Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Leap Day - Finishing off February

This week seems to be flying past. I just uploaded the rest of my pictures from February to my computer and edited them. I was looking back through them and remembering events from the past month. Although this week seems to be flying past, this month, albeit the shortest month of the year has been a looong month for me. So much has happened! I've also been reflecting back on the previous year. Even though I graduated last year I think I am still on a graduate semester timeline and the end of this current semester is coming. It's been 1 year since graduation. So much has happened, it's hard to reflect back and take it all in. I have changed a lot, John has changed a lot, my friends and colleagues have changed, John and my jobs have changed. We are still in the same apartment - but I have new fish! There has been many transitions in my own life, around me, and more to come. It's exciting to see where God has brought us and where we have to go. Always much to learn, enjoy, and more pictures to take.

These are my fish. Some of my fish. I had just bought the one's in the bad (long finned black skirt tetras) and was introducing them to the others. There is also 3 ghost shrimp in the bag as well, they are my 3 musketeers. I have four neon tetras I call the Cour4 and I still don't have  names for the new ones. I think they were pretty freaked out. So much so, one died 2 days later. Great. I'm glad I had not yet named them.

Carbonara - with Chicken instead of Pancetta. Mike and Becky taught us how to make Carbonara, I cannot even begin to tell you how many things Mike and Becky have taught us and introduced us to, but be sure you will hear about more of them on here. So this was my first attempt. It was pretty good, minus the chicken. It really needs the pancetta for flavor. Next time we will use pancetta.

Waiting at the bus stop for Jack - gorgeous Monday, I think it was 60 degrees or so. I'm am so looking forward to the beach.

1st day at LA Fitness. Dr. Kevin Ganey who oversees the private practice I work at in Newtown gave my colleagues and I a 30 day pass to LA fitness! I had gone in the day before to get a tour and get my pass all set up. Intimidating! People everywhere, working on on things I've never seen, room after room of more equipment I've never seen, classes, pool, sauna, .......Becky already works out there and so we went there together for my own moral support. Normally I will run, outside, by myself. The center has a ton of exercise equipment so there is much to try. I had a great run, even though it was on a treadmill. I'm looking forward to trying to swim with her later.

Happy Leap Day. Normally we would have Bible Study wednesday night, but John is not feeling too well. He is however completely into the Hunger Games. I passed it on to him, he's hooked.

On to March starting tomorrow and a year of pictures!

Sunday, February 26, 2012


Here we go, or I go. For the month of February I've been on an excursion of sorts doing the ever so popular picture a day, not just because it's cool, but to embrace, and more importantly make time for my creative side. I enjoy my camera so much, yet very rarely take the time to use it. I have also been wanting to put more energy into writing - and so, the blog.

Although I did not plan it this way, taking pictures every day has given me a sort of visual diary of my days and weeks. It is just as much fun going back through the pictures weeks later, after I have them all organized and edited. Since I have been enjoying this daily photo adventure I am going to make it a year commitment. I most likely will miss a day somewhere as I have almost missed several days already this past month. February is a short month - a year is a long time. So far I have enjoyed the pictures for myself, but through the blog I will share with all of you. I know my family and far away friends may enjoy the pictures and writing, so instead of keeping them to myself I will share.

I may not write much for every picture. The plan is to share the pictures with a breif description, but here and there I will blog about this or that relating to my pictures and my days.

Here is a scattered sample of February's pictures - the year of pictures will start in March.

This was the beginning.
Symbolizing the last of the Christmas decor being put away for good. I left my Christmas decorations up extra long this year. It was the first year we had a tree!

I finally chopped my hair off, getting the asymmetrical cut I had been wanting for a long time. Yay!

Learning as a counselor never ends

This was when I almost forgot to take my picture for the day. 
Yay for point and shoot from my bed. 

Weekend excursion to Carlilse to visit the Jumpers!

Happy Valentine's Day 

My play therapy "tools". Mr. Fish, Baby Alien, and Rufus. 
Who knew I would someday use these at work! 

I couldn't resist. Our landlord's daffodils were are in full bloom in FEBRUARY!
 Welcome to 2012's winter in Philadelphia. 

I completely unraveled a project I was working on. I decided I didn't like the yarn or the pattern. 
Meh. You have to know when to unravel it all and start over. 

My birthday! John suprised me (quite a feat in and of itself) with a cast iron tea pot! 
I love it so much, sometimes I make tea just to use it.

Recent readings.

A visit from the Palmers. We walked around historic philly for the day and had cheese steaks for lunch. I also was able to hang out with Lavera for an evening while the love birds had a date night. We had an awesome time.

Some how I have no pictures of the Fishers as of yet in my photos...a problem that must be remedied. We have Bible study with them on Wednesday evenings and they have become family to us. This Wednesday I worked late and they cooked us a fabulous blackened cat fish dinner. Who knew I liked cat fish?!

Palmers again for lunch before they left to go home to NY. I missed them as soon as they left. I hadn't laughed so hard in a while. Ashly and Pat your presence is good for my soul!

So there is a random compilation of February. I may post more since the month is still winding down, but I won't necessarily post one for every day of the month until March. 

Happy browsing.