Thursday, October 11, 2012


Reading on a rainy day before work....

Reminiscing about the weekend. We went to this place with the Fishers and loved it. This is their description on the back of the menu.

"...dining for people who dine, not for sustenance, but for pleasure, entertainment, and evoke emotion, thought, the connection of memories past as well as the creation of new ones." good and so fun. 
Here is to past memories and memories yet to be made with the Fishers. We love you both!

More reminiscing...grad school.
Reflection papers...
I'm thinking about perusing them again some day soon.
Thank you lab leaders for your insight and guidance. By developing and being a part of the counseling program at PBU you really have changed my life.
I am not alone in being impacted by your teaching and guidance.

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