Monday, December 24, 2012

Getting Ready for Christmas

 Pinterest party!

 My sad wreath with my great monogram from Pinterest day!

Wrapping the last of the gifts!

 Fisher:Sayward Christmas
Unfortunately the only pictures I have are of our impromtu dinner. We had a shrimp and spiral honey ham dinner plan, but it was foiled by shrimp and ham gone bad. 
And so - frozen fish and frozen fries.
We love you Fishers! Merry Christmas :)

My New Years Resolution
Begin writing 2-3 times a week. 1000-1500 words :)
This is a picture of my behavioral positive re-inforcement plan inspired by Peggy.
Every time I write I get to put a glass stone in the vase! Each color stands for different types of writing.
Woo 2013! haha

Presents are ready!

Christmas Break begins
John and I went to Longwood Gardens.
This was one of my favorite parts.
It's a secret door!
(not really, but it looks like it could be secret)

Pretty Lights

Water show

 Getaway in Jim Thorpe
 We saw this sign on the side of the road and followed it. To nothing.
But we did enjoy our awesome hotel room with a King size bed, jacuzzi tub, and spa.
Merry Christmas to us.

Jim Thorpe hike on Christmas Eve
Love him.

It was getting cold on our hike and the ice was really pretty

I'm ready to go back. Love it.

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