Sunday, December 9, 2012

Starting December


Dinner with the Fishers...

 John started December his way by cutting down two pine trees.

Remnants of a tree falling over. My lil glass angel broke.

 The Tree is back up and and secured.

 Surprises from friends!
I had a really rough week. It just so happens Becky and Mike decided to surprise me with their love this week. There were no words. I cried my whole way through the first note.
"We love Melea Day" Complete with gifts, cards, dinner at my favorite restaurant, and more gifts with Quotes from Grey's Anatomy. I love you too Rebecca Fisher :)

We love Melea Day
So blessed.

 The barely used expensive vaccuum won't turn on. Therefore it's torn apart.
Hopefully it get be fix soon :(

 I love Fridays. After shopping I found a dress for John's work Christmas party (which may not be happening, but I have an awesome dress) and these slippers to replace mine which have holes worn through the heels. It was time. I get pretty attached to my slippers, so I'm looking forward to getting to know these ones real well.

 John fixing Subs

Pomegranate seeds are the best!

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