Monday, May 28, 2012

Memorial Day Weekend

A day in the water.



I met a friend at the Greenhouse. Now I want a kitten :( cute!

Friday night game of Quelf!

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Spring Cleaning

A day at the Office.

It's official. The AC is in. Sad looking little thing. It's going to be exhausted by the time the summer is over.

I'm purging our apartment this week. Getting rid of everything we are not using or needing. Throw these, donate those, and organize the rest. How do we accumulate so much junk? It is insane and clutter stresses me out. Our apartment has felt cluttered lately and has been waiting for this process. I have been planning a revamp of our decor too. We've been in this apartment almost 3 years and I am in need of a change. A lot of change. 

I realize now this is an awkward picture. Who puts pictures up of their garbage? Oh well. I have this pile and another bigger pile in one of our storage rooms. Garbage day isn't until Wednesday. Cleaning impulses do not work on a schedule.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Shirt - Life is Crap

Shirt in a box. I bought this for John today in light of his recent mountain bike riding, wrecks, and otherwise. Every time I look at the picture or shirt I laugh as I am laughing even now. It was a perfect find and I think he already appreciates the shirt. I enjoy him immensely. Thankfully he is fine from his wreck with no major injuries. I only feel sad his bike is wrecked and still in the process of being repaired, so he has not been back out on the trails as of yet. Hopefully it will be soon.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Chronicles of Cilantro

 Grilled Cilantro Lime Chicken
I've been feeling the need to branch out and find more recipes for our grill. We've had the grill for more than a year now and we try new things here and there, but this summer I am getting bored quickly, and even of the meals I have previously raved about to friends. With all my crazy cilantro taking over, cilantro chicken was just the thing! Yum! turned out great and we are definitely trying it again. If you want to try it for yourself check out the recipe I used. Absolutely Fabulous. I think it is the best Chicken I have ever had.
Recipe Here:

Take two of my art project.
I tore the other one apart after I sanded for hours and decided the plaster was too messy and the plaster/glass ratio was not working. There was too much plaster verses glass which = boring. This time more glass, less plaster, and we'll see how it turns out. So far I'm confident, I think this attempt will have a better outcome. Simple with a little color.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Guacamole and Cilantro



Dishes much? Nope.

My view this morning...beautiful.

This is my home grown cilantro which is taking over the rest of my herbs. I think I need to make some grilled lime cilantro chicken this week to start using it up.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Mother's Day Weekend

Late night snack. It's gone.

Remember these? This one is on the side of the road, at the park, with nothing around it. Random. I saw it at the park today. Had to take a picture.

 Another weekend at the Greenhouse. Becky's Grandfather hatched himself some baby chicks. They are more like little kid chicks now. They are on their way to the awkward stage, but still cute!

I went hiking with this handsome one...

...and sat on some waterfalls.

Mother's Day. We surprised Mom for her day. I wish I had a good shot of her surprise face, but alas, I do not. This one however is epic of Micah getting ready for her arrival.

Planted the rest of my flowers today. They have some growing in to do, there is a lot of green and little flower. Here we go on another year of watering! I paused for a second before I began planting, "do I really want to commit to watering these things all summer AGAIN?" Then I realized it was too late, I had already bought the flowers. No turning back now.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Missed a Day

Phone Camera
Today the little guy and I fed the pond fish bread. I enjoyed this experience, but I think he enjoyed it more. I think we are even now. Flying a Kite and Feeding the Fish.

I forgot to take a picture. Or more like I did not take the few opportunities I had today and therefore it did not happen. Bah.

The joys and pains of working from home. Today I enjoyed working from home in the rain. Wonderfully relaxing.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Cinco de Mayo

John wiped out pretty bad this week. We needed the first aid kit. He bent his handle bars and all! Guess he will need to go shopping.

Yapple Yogurt once again. Famous Chocolate Crispy AwesomeSauce. The name is appropriate by the way, in case you were wondering.

Horrible picture with the phone camera, but it will have to do. Cinco de Mayo. Love the boys in their hats playing Wii Lego games.

Day of projects with Becky. Same previous projects. Different stage. More to come.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

It's MAY!

Don't have hamburger rolls? Use hot dog rolls! BAM! See the burger dog. Complete with onions, portabella mushrooms and BBQ sauce. It's better with cheese, but we forgot the cheese. Hey, you can't be perfect. MmMmm.

I had some free time and was bored of my living room curtains. From brown and gold to white and gold for a more light and airy summer. Now only to chose which one to use or to look for more options. Hmmm.


Starting May off right, Lasagna. Lots of cooking and baking this week. 
I don't know what's come over me.

 Lemon Meringue Pie. Dad's favorite. It's been a while since I've tried this. We'll see how it turns out.