Monday, May 14, 2012

Mother's Day Weekend

Late night snack. It's gone.

Remember these? This one is on the side of the road, at the park, with nothing around it. Random. I saw it at the park today. Had to take a picture.

 Another weekend at the Greenhouse. Becky's Grandfather hatched himself some baby chicks. They are more like little kid chicks now. They are on their way to the awkward stage, but still cute!

I went hiking with this handsome one...

...and sat on some waterfalls.

Mother's Day. We surprised Mom for her day. I wish I had a good shot of her surprise face, but alas, I do not. This one however is epic of Micah getting ready for her arrival.

Planted the rest of my flowers today. They have some growing in to do, there is a lot of green and little flower. Here we go on another year of watering! I paused for a second before I began planting, "do I really want to commit to watering these things all summer AGAIN?" Then I realized it was too late, I had already bought the flowers. No turning back now.

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