Sunday, May 20, 2012

Chronicles of Cilantro

 Grilled Cilantro Lime Chicken
I've been feeling the need to branch out and find more recipes for our grill. We've had the grill for more than a year now and we try new things here and there, but this summer I am getting bored quickly, and even of the meals I have previously raved about to friends. With all my crazy cilantro taking over, cilantro chicken was just the thing! Yum! turned out great and we are definitely trying it again. If you want to try it for yourself check out the recipe I used. Absolutely Fabulous. I think it is the best Chicken I have ever had.
Recipe Here:

Take two of my art project.
I tore the other one apart after I sanded for hours and decided the plaster was too messy and the plaster/glass ratio was not working. There was too much plaster verses glass which = boring. This time more glass, less plaster, and we'll see how it turns out. So far I'm confident, I think this attempt will have a better outcome. Simple with a little color.

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