Thursday, May 24, 2012

Spring Cleaning

A day at the Office.

It's official. The AC is in. Sad looking little thing. It's going to be exhausted by the time the summer is over.

I'm purging our apartment this week. Getting rid of everything we are not using or needing. Throw these, donate those, and organize the rest. How do we accumulate so much junk? It is insane and clutter stresses me out. Our apartment has felt cluttered lately and has been waiting for this process. I have been planning a revamp of our decor too. We've been in this apartment almost 3 years and I am in need of a change. A lot of change. 

I realize now this is an awkward picture. Who puts pictures up of their garbage? Oh well. I have this pile and another bigger pile in one of our storage rooms. Garbage day isn't until Wednesday. Cleaning impulses do not work on a schedule.

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