Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Food Creations


 My creative life goes in waves. And by waves I mean themes. One week I will be trying new recipes or making up my own. The entire week. The next I will be working on decor projects around the house. The next I'll actually take the time to practice the piano piece I have been trying to learn for months.

This week was cooking week.

Now, I actually disdain sweet salsas. I have never been able to eat them, but this recipe sounded so good and I decided to try it. I gave myself a little psychological help by viewing the salsa as garnish. Not salsa, garnish. Then it was ok for it to be sweet. It turned out delicious. John actually enjoys fish, but I am quite picky about my fish. This one is a keeper.


 Oh the woes of car trouble. John has been constantly looking over our Subaru repair manual this week. We are holding our breathe to see if it passes inspection this month.

Next on the food list this week...pasta. Linguini to be specific. Basil pesto linguini with garden picked tomatoes and chicken. Thank you to the Doan's for the tomatoes!

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