Wednesday, March 14, 2012


 It has been too long since I have posted my pictures! I was away for the weekend with no internet. Hopefully next time I post it won't be a week out.
Here we go!

Thursday at the office. This is the corner of our group room. Behind the book shelf is the play area where Dr. Ganey has lots of toys to use in play therapy. The rest of the room you cannot see behind the camera, is quite roomy. This is where we have individual sessions and hopefully group sessions in the future. The room is in the decorating process, but looking great! I recently moved my books onto this book shelf because we were running out of room in our office down the hall. The joy of reading and learning. A full bookshelf of counseling related material. Woo! My books are the little group on the top shelf. I have a lot of collecting to do!

Today, Erin, Rebecca, and I went to a training by Diane Langberg - who for all intensive purposes is my hero. There ended up being a group of PBU counseling grads at the training too! This was completely unexpected and refreshing. It was a long wonderful day full of hard and inspiring words and stories about childhood trauma. I'm so sad to say this is the picture I have to show for the day, it does not do the day justice. I was originally hoping to get a group shot of us or a shot of Diane, but I was so caught up in everything around me I completely forgot about my camera. This will have to suffice.

This is my mom's homemade pizza. YUM. Becky and I drove up to my parents for a short weekend trip after our training on Friday. Saturday was filled with sleeping in, moving wood, and 4wheeling in the freezing cold - see below. Oh and Becky put low lights in my hair! Thank you Becky :). Saturday night with my family we celebrated my brother's and my birthday - even though it was on Skype for him (I just ate his ice cream cake for him) We miss you Ethan!

I just had to through these of Micah and Marcus in - they are actually really poor quality because I took them from a video on my point and shoot, but fun. Thanks for having fun with us boys!


 Sunday after church we loaded up the 4wheelers and took them over to my uncle David's. We had so much space to ride around in the woods. SO much fun. Becky experienced a hands on lesson on driving the 4wheelers. I'm afraid it was probably more of a quick 10 second lesson on "this is the gas" "this is the gear" "this is how you go in reverse" "oh and this is the break"...because that might be important, then "GO!" She was also brave enough to ride with Marcus! I can't wait to back this summer to ride some more with the fam. 

This is John's bike. It's mountain biking season again and so the bike has taken its place by the door, greeting you as you arrive through the door in the living room. I am so thankful John has guy friends to do fun things together like mountain biking. Welcome SPRING!

3.12 is also my brother Ethan's birthday who is in Florida. I wish I could have seen him to take a picture, but he is too far way. Happy Birthday Ethan!

I went for a walk in the park before I went to work today. Everything was dead, but the sun was shining and the weather was so beautiful. This whole week has been gorgeous making me miss the beach and look forward to beach days. While walking I was thinking about the cycles of seasons. At the park the plants and leaves had died through the winter and nothing remains. But spring is coming, rain and sunshine, which will bring life again. This winter, as was last winter, has been a growing season for me as a counselor and the growth continues. I am thankful we are given seasons of rest along with the seasons of stretching and growing. Seeing the world anticipating spring was a reminder to me. While at the park I noticed all around, in the midst of deadness, small green plants were popping up. This lil onion plant (I think that is what it is) was growing up surrounded by dead grass. Sometimes, I see so much deadness and evil at my job. It is easy to become overwhelmed or cynical. Even in the midst of death and evil, chaos and pain, growth continues. I pray I will continue to grow just like this little plant and hold on to truth and hope which guides through the winters.

Sara Groves - Rain

Call it what you will I call it rain
When troubles come and pat against my soul
Go in if you like, I will remain
And let the washing waters make me whole

Just when I’m sure that I can't bear the rain
A tiny leaf starts pushing through the ground
In a place where the ground was too dry to sustain it
A new tiny flower can be found

Another beautiful day! Every other Wednesday is Laundry day. Today was the first time since the fall I was able to hang out the sheets to dry. Mmmm, the smell of wind and sun dried fabric. Yes. Glorious. I was even able to sit on the deck enjoying the sun while reading for my later sessions.

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